
Hotel Nikko Bali Joining the 7th Annual Bali’s Biggest Clean-Up


Waste is a major problem for the wider community, especially plastic waste which is not easily decomposed. For this reason, Hotel Nikko Bali Benoa Beach once again joined Bali’s Biggest Clean-Up in Bali held by One Island One Voice in its 7th year.

The event started at 7 am and was participated by 20 hotel employees. The waste collection area is carried out on the Benoa Beach line which is right in front of the hotel. The beachfront resort managed to collect 61 kg of waste that consisted of plastic bags, straws, plastic bottles, styrofoam, glass bottle, plastic meal boxes, cigarette butts, and many more plus 6 kg of hazardous waste.

“Like last year, we report the waste that we collected to the event organizer, namely One Island One Voice, through a survey sheet that can be filled out online. The major wastes we collected were plastic bags and plastic packaging. These materials do not exist in nature, therefore, there is no naturally occurring organism that can break them down effectively. For this reason, the steps we are taking are to reduce the use of single-use plastic at our resort by using straws made from paper, no longer providing plastic cutleries for take-out food, and no longer providing plastic bottled water in the guest rooms,” Said Takashi Hoshino, General Manager of Hotel Nikko Bali Benoa Beach.

He added, this is a small action that becomes a big one because it is done annually and simultaneously by tourism actors and environmentalists who care about the environment in Bali. “Hope is being able to see that there is a light for better changes,” Said Takashi Hoshino. (SSB)

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